Craps Place Bet Odds

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  1. Place And Buy Bets Craps
  2. Craps Betting Strategy

If the point is 4 or 10, then the max odds bet is 3X. If the point is 5 or 9, then the max odds bet is 4X. If the point is 6 or 8, the max odds bet is 5X. Lowest Betting Limits Craps in Vegas. If you're just looking for the cheapest place to play craps in Las Vegas, then you're looking for the lowest betting limits.

If you are keen on playing casino games, perhaps, you are aware of the fact that craps is one of the games that enjoy an overwhelming popularity among gambling aficionados. In fact, if you have been to a land-based casino at least once, probably, you have noticed that craps tables are almost invariably overcrowded and usually, they are the loudest tables on the casino floor. Even though the game of craps is an endless source of entertainment, many players are unwilling to wallow in it due to the fact that on the face of it, the game seems extremely elaborate, which makes them think that it is inappropriate for less experienced gambling enthusiasts.

Perhaps, one of the things that make you reluctant to play craps is the fact that you need to choose between so many different bet types that all come with their peculiarities and specific aspects. Another thing that might seem slightly intimidating at the beginning is the fast pace at which the game is played. Of course, this should not make you unwilling to give it a try as once you take your time to learn more about it, you will be able to revel in it.

The place bet is one of the most preferred ways of wagering while playing craps. The main reason why the place bet is so popular is that it offers a fast action, which makes it a great option for less patient craps lovers. No limit games. That is why here, we will provide you with all the particulars regarding the place bet.

Craps betting strategy

How Place Bets Work

One of the first things you should remember about the Place Bet is that gamblers are allowed to make such a bet on any of the point numbers. If you are still making your first steps at playing craps, you need to know that the point numbers include 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. Another important thing you should also remember is that just like most of the other bets that are available at the craps table, the Place Bet is also a bet which plays against the 7. In other words, this means that the 7 and the specific number, on which you have placed your bet are the only numbers, which will determine the outcome of the game and whether your bet is a winning one or a losing one.

  1. The amount of money you place doesn't figure into the odds, but it does figure into the Craps payout. Craps Payout: For a 1/1 payout, if you bet $5 and win, you only get $5 on top of the $5 you bet. House Edge%: This percentage shows how much of a percent over the 50% (even odds) that the House holds. Basically this% represents the.
  2. If losing with place bets, you may want to try this Pass Odds only betting: Discussion in 'Advanced Craps' started by 7446, Mar 27, 2020.

In the event that you have made a Place Bet, there are three possible outcomes you can expect. The outcome that will be most beneficial to you is the place number to appear before the 7, as this will mean that your bet is a winning one. As long as a 7 appears first, this will mean that you lose the stake you have made. In the event that any of the remaining numbers appear, you need to know that it does not matter to the game due to the fact that this will not mean anything in terms of winning or losing.

When it comes to the Place bet, avid craps lovers should know that after the come-out roll, they are allowed to make a bet on one of the place numbers, without even going through the come box, which would mean that in practice, the number will be chosen by the dice. Let's assume that you wish to make a Place bet that 9 will show before the 7. What you need to do is to position your chips in the come box and tell the dealer that you wish to 'place the 9'. After this, the dealer will simply move your chips in the box numbered 9. It is important to note that your chips will be placed in a specific area of the betting layout, which is determined by your place at the craps table so that it could be clear that this is namely your stake. From the point at which you have picked the place number, the Place bet starts to resemble the come bet.

Now, as long as 9 comes out before a 7 has appeared, this will mean that you win. In the event that a 7 shows before the place number you have picked, your bet will be a losing one. When it comes to the remaining numbers apart from the 7 and the 9, once again, we should note that they are neutral and they do not influence the course of the game when a Place bet is made.

Another of the distinctive traits of the Place Bet is that players are allowed to make such a bet or to remove it at any point. This is namely the reason why the Place Bet is also known as a 'standing' bet due to the fact that it continues working until the players decide to remove it or until it becomes a losing one.

Still, a large number of the casinos stick to the rule that Place bets are not working or they are off when the come-out roll commences. In the event that the player wants his Place bet to remain working, he/she simply needs to tell the dealer and a button, which is labeled 'ON' will be positioned on the top of your stack. Then, at the end of the come-out roll, this label will be removed and your Place bet will continue working until you decide to turn it off or until it becomes clear whether it is a winning one or a losing one. Craps novices should keep in mind that the terms turning off your Place bet and taking it down refers to one and the same thing. Still, if you decide to remove it, this will mean that your chips will be removed from the point box. If you decide to turn it off, however, this means that it will not work during the next roll.

Gambling aficionados should also keep in mind that place numbers can be outside and inside. When it comes to the Place bet, craps lovers should know that 5, 6, 8, and 9 are considered inside numbers, whereas 4, 5, 9, and 10 are known as outside numbers. Now, perhaps, you have noticed that the 5 and the 9 recur. Now, we should clarify that they can be both inside and outside and it all depends on the circumstances.

Thus, if you wish to make a Place bet on 5, 6, 8, and 9, and you say that you want to wager twenty dollars inside, the dealer will know that you prefer to place your bet namely on the aforementioned numbers. Hence, if you are intent on making a Place bet on 4, 9, and 10 and you say twenty dollars outside, the dealer will know that you prefer to make your stake namely on these numbers. If this seems to you too complicated and makes you feel unease, then, you should be aware of the fact that you can also tell the dealer to place four, nine, and ten.

The Place Bet Payout and Odds

One of the main reasons why the Place bet is so preferred by gambling enthusiasts is that this particular bet comes with a relatively low house edge, which makes it an advantageous option for them. This also makes the Place bet one of the better bets that are available at the craps table, which is one of the main reasons why avid craps fans should contemplate making use of it. Still, players should keep in mind that the payout they will get when they make a winning Place bet will be determined by the place number.

Let's go back to the example we gave with the 9. The winning rolls gamblers can enjoy when they make a Place bet are four due to the fact that there are four ways to make a 9. On the other hand, there are six ways to experience a losing roll by forming a 7. It is important to note that when it comes to the true odds of a 9 coming out before the 7, they are 3:2. Thus, the payoff you will enjoy is 7 to 5 (7:5). The house edge, however, stands at 4%, which, as it turns out, might be a slightly stiff edge to beat. The numbers are the same for a 5 due to the fact that the correct odds are once again 3 to 2 (3:2), the house edge is 4%, and the payoff players will enjoy are 7:5. Thus, if you have wagered $10 and the bet is a winning one, eventually, you will get $14 or $15 in the event that the house does not enjoy an advantage at all.

As far as the odds of 4 and 10 are concerned, gambling aficionados should bear in mind that they are less advantageous when compared to the odds of the 5 and the 9. A good manifestation of this is the fact that as long as you have made a successful Place bet of $5, this will mean that you will get $9 due to the fact that payoff odds are 9 to 5 (9:5), whereas the true odds are 2 to 1 (2:1), meaning that the latter will bring you $10.

Lucky charms casino games. Making a Place bet on 6 or 8 is considered as one of the best and even the smartest moves you can make due to the fact that in such cases, the house advantage will be the lowest. If we assume that you have decided to wager $30 on 8, and eventually, your bet has turned out to be a winning one, the payoff you will get is $35. The true-odds payoff, on the other hand, will be $36, which therefore means that the edge the house enjoys in such cases is only 1.52%.

Perhaps, one of the most difficult things about the Place bet remains that gambling enthusiasts should memorize the payout for each of the winning numbers, as well as the multiples they need to bet. Craps lovers should bear in mind that the bet multiple is determined solely by the place odds. Let's take as an example a paring of 5 and 9, the place odds of which are 7:5. In other words, this will mean that for every $5 you stake, you will get $7. Hence, we get that the bet multiple for the 5 and the 9 is $5.

Playing the Place Bet

Once we have clarified some of the most important things regarding the Place bet, we will run through one possible scenario, so that craps lovers could feel more confident to take the plunge and to enjoy themselves while playing their favorite casino game.

While the new shooter for the game prepares, you decide to stake $5 on the 9. Let's assume that the place number for the gamer is 10. Once you have indicated that you want to make such a bet, the dealer will then move your chips to the 9 point box. As it was already stated, the position of the box depends on your position at the craps table.

Now, after you have placed your bet, let's assume that the number that shows is 11. Since this is one of the neutral numbers for the game and in the particular case, it does not matter to it, the game recommences. Now, let's presume that at this point, you decide to make a Place bet on the remaining inside numbers that include 5, 6, 8, and 9. Let's say that the number that shows is 6. This will mean that the bet you have made on the 6 is a winning one and you will get a payoff. Now, you decide to leave your bet on the 6 on. The next number that appears is 12 and the game continues due to the fact that it is one of the numbers that do not matter.

It is important to note that when your Place bet is a winning one, you are allowed to decide whether you prefer to leave it working or to remove it. In the event that you decide to leave it working, this will mean that each time when that number shows before the 7 has appeared, your bet will win. As long as the 7 appears before the place number, you lose. Thus, if we assume that the next number that shows is 7, this will mean that your bet becomes a losing one.

Casino play for fun. Gambling aficionados should also keep in mind that it is up to them to decide whether they prefer to increase or to decrease their Place bet due to the fact that they can do so at any point.

What to Do while Making a Place Bet

One of the most important things you should remember about the game of craps, which rings true, especially for land-based casinos is that gamblers should not put their chips on the table before they make sure that they have got the attention of the dealer. This is of major importance for bets which are not self-serviced, which is also the case with the Place bet.

Place And Buy Bets Craps

Despite the fact that when you play craps in any of the web-based casinos, you simply cannot mess up the chips, this definitely does not go for playing craps at a brick-and-mortar casino. If you prefer playing at a land-based facility, you are advised not to toss or to throw your chips. Instead, players are advised to place their chips in the come box and simply to tell the dealer which is the number on which they prefer to make their Place bet.

Craps Betting Strategy

Another important thing you should also remember about the Place bet is that as long as you have made a winning bet, you should be ready to tell the dealer what your next move will be. You should remember that players are paid off following a strict sequence, which is why you should be patient.

What is more, in some cases, if you have made a winning Place bet and you remain silent after this, the dealer may assume that you prefer to place the same bet once again. That is why it is always a good idea to tell the dealer what you are intent on doing whether you prefer to increase, to decrease, or to remove your Place bet.

Place Bet Strategy

Let's assume that you are intent on making a $6 Place bet on 8 and 6. If we presume that the table is cold, you are advised to leave your Place bet on until the first hit occurs. When this happens, craps lovers are advised either to remove their Place bet from the table or to turn it off for yet another roll. If, for example, the numbers that have shown after you have staked $6 on the 8 and the 6 are four, nine, and six, this is the moment when you should remove or turn off your Place bet.

In the event that the table is choppy, gambling enthusiasts are advised to leave their Place bet working throughout the first six rolls or until the first hit occurs. As long as the first hit takes place within the first three rolls, then, you are advised to leave your bet working and to start counting all over again. As long as there are six rolls and you experience only losses, then, it would be better if you take your Place bet down.

In the event that the table is hot, you are advised to leave your Place bet working throughout the entire life of the roll. When the Place bet becomes a winning one, you are advised to press it. In addition to this, you should also make another Place bet when the shooter makes his point. You should continue in the same manner until it turns out that you have made your Place bet on the established place number. Then, you should simply have your Place bet down or move to a number, which is still uncovered.

US Players and Credit Card, BitCoin Deposits Accepted!

The craps payout chart below shows various payout statistics such as what kind of craps bets, true odds, payout odds and the total house edge after everything has been calculated through. Note that these payout odds in the chart listed below are not the same in every casino or on all craps tables. Some casinos may have different odds which perhaps may be better or worse than the odds shown in the payout chart. For more detailed information about each specific bet, please visit our page on how to play craps and browse through the craps bets menu.

This craps payout chart is also a great tool if you are just starting to learn the craps strategy. That way you can see all of the odds displayed in one table and you'll be able to decide which bets are better than others. You can see why the free odds bet is such a great one and why some of the proposition bets are terrible. My advice is to study this information or at least glance at it to find good strategies.

Normal Craps Bets and Payout Odds

Craps BetTrue OddsPayout OddsHouse Edge
Pass Line251 to 2441 to 11.41%
Come251 to 2441 to 11.41%
Don't Pass1031 to 9491 to 11.36%
Don't Come (Bar 12)1031 to 9491 to 11.36%
Pass / Come
Free Odds
2 to 1 on 4 or 10
3 to 2 on 5 or 9
6 to 5 on 6 or 8
2 to 1 on 4 or 10
3 to 2 on 5 or 9
6 to 5 on 6 or 8
Don't Pass / Don't Come
Free Odds
1 to 2 on 4 or 10
2 to 3 on 5 or 9
5 to 6 on 6 or 8
1 to 2 on 4 or 10
2 to 3 on 5 or 9
5 to 6 on 6 or 8
7 Out5 to 14 to 116.67%
Yo 1117 to 115 to 111.11%
317 to 115 to 111.11%
2 Snake Eyes35 to 130 to 113.89%
12 Box Cars35 to 130 to 113.89%
Hi-Lo17 to 115 to 111.11%
Craps8 to 17 to 111.11%
C and E5 to 13 to 1 with craps
7 to 1 with 11
Field5 to 41 to 1 with 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11
2 to 1 on 2 or 12
Field (alternate)5 to 41 to 1 with 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11
2 to 1 on 2
3 to 1 on 12
Horn5 to 127 to 4 with 2 or 12
3 to 1 with 3 or 11
Whirl / World2 to 126 to 5 with 2 or 12
11 to 5 with 3 or 11
0 to 1 on 7 (push)
Hard Way 4 or 108 to 17 to 111.11%
Hard Way 6 or 810 to 19 to 19.09%
Big 6 or 86 to 51 to 19.09%
Place 4 or 102 to 19 to 56.67%
Place 5 or 93 to 27 to 54.00%
Place 6 or 86 to 57 to 61.52%
Buy 4 or 102 to 12 to 1
plus commission (5%)
Buy 5 or 93 to 23 to 2
plus commission (5%)
Buy 6 or 86 to 56 to 5
plus commission (5%)
Lay 4 or 101 to 21 to 2
plus commission (5%)
Lay 5 or 92 to 32 to 3
plus commission (5%)
Lay 6 or 85 to 65 to 6
plus commission (5%)

As you can see from the payout table, there are many bets that sound exotic and arcane but they really aren't that good, even though they may sound like the 'secret' bets that no one knows about. Really the only good ones are the pass line or don't pass in conjunction with the free odds bets. There are a few other decent ones as well. The trick to know is that when the house edge is a very low percentage, then the bet is a good one.

Place and buy bets craps

How Place Bets Work

One of the first things you should remember about the Place Bet is that gamblers are allowed to make such a bet on any of the point numbers. If you are still making your first steps at playing craps, you need to know that the point numbers include 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. Another important thing you should also remember is that just like most of the other bets that are available at the craps table, the Place Bet is also a bet which plays against the 7. In other words, this means that the 7 and the specific number, on which you have placed your bet are the only numbers, which will determine the outcome of the game and whether your bet is a winning one or a losing one.

  1. The amount of money you place doesn't figure into the odds, but it does figure into the Craps payout. Craps Payout: For a 1/1 payout, if you bet $5 and win, you only get $5 on top of the $5 you bet. House Edge%: This percentage shows how much of a percent over the 50% (even odds) that the House holds. Basically this% represents the.
  2. If losing with place bets, you may want to try this Pass Odds only betting: Discussion in 'Advanced Craps' started by 7446, Mar 27, 2020.

In the event that you have made a Place Bet, there are three possible outcomes you can expect. The outcome that will be most beneficial to you is the place number to appear before the 7, as this will mean that your bet is a winning one. As long as a 7 appears first, this will mean that you lose the stake you have made. In the event that any of the remaining numbers appear, you need to know that it does not matter to the game due to the fact that this will not mean anything in terms of winning or losing.

When it comes to the Place bet, avid craps lovers should know that after the come-out roll, they are allowed to make a bet on one of the place numbers, without even going through the come box, which would mean that in practice, the number will be chosen by the dice. Let's assume that you wish to make a Place bet that 9 will show before the 7. What you need to do is to position your chips in the come box and tell the dealer that you wish to 'place the 9'. After this, the dealer will simply move your chips in the box numbered 9. It is important to note that your chips will be placed in a specific area of the betting layout, which is determined by your place at the craps table so that it could be clear that this is namely your stake. From the point at which you have picked the place number, the Place bet starts to resemble the come bet.

Now, as long as 9 comes out before a 7 has appeared, this will mean that you win. In the event that a 7 shows before the place number you have picked, your bet will be a losing one. When it comes to the remaining numbers apart from the 7 and the 9, once again, we should note that they are neutral and they do not influence the course of the game when a Place bet is made.

Another of the distinctive traits of the Place Bet is that players are allowed to make such a bet or to remove it at any point. This is namely the reason why the Place Bet is also known as a 'standing' bet due to the fact that it continues working until the players decide to remove it or until it becomes a losing one.

Still, a large number of the casinos stick to the rule that Place bets are not working or they are off when the come-out roll commences. In the event that the player wants his Place bet to remain working, he/she simply needs to tell the dealer and a button, which is labeled 'ON' will be positioned on the top of your stack. Then, at the end of the come-out roll, this label will be removed and your Place bet will continue working until you decide to turn it off or until it becomes clear whether it is a winning one or a losing one. Craps novices should keep in mind that the terms turning off your Place bet and taking it down refers to one and the same thing. Still, if you decide to remove it, this will mean that your chips will be removed from the point box. If you decide to turn it off, however, this means that it will not work during the next roll.

Gambling aficionados should also keep in mind that place numbers can be outside and inside. When it comes to the Place bet, craps lovers should know that 5, 6, 8, and 9 are considered inside numbers, whereas 4, 5, 9, and 10 are known as outside numbers. Now, perhaps, you have noticed that the 5 and the 9 recur. Now, we should clarify that they can be both inside and outside and it all depends on the circumstances.

Thus, if you wish to make a Place bet on 5, 6, 8, and 9, and you say that you want to wager twenty dollars inside, the dealer will know that you prefer to place your bet namely on the aforementioned numbers. Hence, if you are intent on making a Place bet on 4, 9, and 10 and you say twenty dollars outside, the dealer will know that you prefer to make your stake namely on these numbers. If this seems to you too complicated and makes you feel unease, then, you should be aware of the fact that you can also tell the dealer to place four, nine, and ten.

The Place Bet Payout and Odds

One of the main reasons why the Place bet is so preferred by gambling enthusiasts is that this particular bet comes with a relatively low house edge, which makes it an advantageous option for them. This also makes the Place bet one of the better bets that are available at the craps table, which is one of the main reasons why avid craps fans should contemplate making use of it. Still, players should keep in mind that the payout they will get when they make a winning Place bet will be determined by the place number.

Let's go back to the example we gave with the 9. The winning rolls gamblers can enjoy when they make a Place bet are four due to the fact that there are four ways to make a 9. On the other hand, there are six ways to experience a losing roll by forming a 7. It is important to note that when it comes to the true odds of a 9 coming out before the 7, they are 3:2. Thus, the payoff you will enjoy is 7 to 5 (7:5). The house edge, however, stands at 4%, which, as it turns out, might be a slightly stiff edge to beat. The numbers are the same for a 5 due to the fact that the correct odds are once again 3 to 2 (3:2), the house edge is 4%, and the payoff players will enjoy are 7:5. Thus, if you have wagered $10 and the bet is a winning one, eventually, you will get $14 or $15 in the event that the house does not enjoy an advantage at all.

As far as the odds of 4 and 10 are concerned, gambling aficionados should bear in mind that they are less advantageous when compared to the odds of the 5 and the 9. A good manifestation of this is the fact that as long as you have made a successful Place bet of $5, this will mean that you will get $9 due to the fact that payoff odds are 9 to 5 (9:5), whereas the true odds are 2 to 1 (2:1), meaning that the latter will bring you $10.

Lucky charms casino games. Making a Place bet on 6 or 8 is considered as one of the best and even the smartest moves you can make due to the fact that in such cases, the house advantage will be the lowest. If we assume that you have decided to wager $30 on 8, and eventually, your bet has turned out to be a winning one, the payoff you will get is $35. The true-odds payoff, on the other hand, will be $36, which therefore means that the edge the house enjoys in such cases is only 1.52%.

Perhaps, one of the most difficult things about the Place bet remains that gambling enthusiasts should memorize the payout for each of the winning numbers, as well as the multiples they need to bet. Craps lovers should bear in mind that the bet multiple is determined solely by the place odds. Let's take as an example a paring of 5 and 9, the place odds of which are 7:5. In other words, this will mean that for every $5 you stake, you will get $7. Hence, we get that the bet multiple for the 5 and the 9 is $5.

Playing the Place Bet

Once we have clarified some of the most important things regarding the Place bet, we will run through one possible scenario, so that craps lovers could feel more confident to take the plunge and to enjoy themselves while playing their favorite casino game.

While the new shooter for the game prepares, you decide to stake $5 on the 9. Let's assume that the place number for the gamer is 10. Once you have indicated that you want to make such a bet, the dealer will then move your chips to the 9 point box. As it was already stated, the position of the box depends on your position at the craps table.

Now, after you have placed your bet, let's assume that the number that shows is 11. Since this is one of the neutral numbers for the game and in the particular case, it does not matter to it, the game recommences. Now, let's presume that at this point, you decide to make a Place bet on the remaining inside numbers that include 5, 6, 8, and 9. Let's say that the number that shows is 6. This will mean that the bet you have made on the 6 is a winning one and you will get a payoff. Now, you decide to leave your bet on the 6 on. The next number that appears is 12 and the game continues due to the fact that it is one of the numbers that do not matter.

It is important to note that when your Place bet is a winning one, you are allowed to decide whether you prefer to leave it working or to remove it. In the event that you decide to leave it working, this will mean that each time when that number shows before the 7 has appeared, your bet will win. As long as the 7 appears before the place number, you lose. Thus, if we assume that the next number that shows is 7, this will mean that your bet becomes a losing one.

Casino play for fun. Gambling aficionados should also keep in mind that it is up to them to decide whether they prefer to increase or to decrease their Place bet due to the fact that they can do so at any point.

What to Do while Making a Place Bet

One of the most important things you should remember about the game of craps, which rings true, especially for land-based casinos is that gamblers should not put their chips on the table before they make sure that they have got the attention of the dealer. This is of major importance for bets which are not self-serviced, which is also the case with the Place bet.

Place And Buy Bets Craps

Despite the fact that when you play craps in any of the web-based casinos, you simply cannot mess up the chips, this definitely does not go for playing craps at a brick-and-mortar casino. If you prefer playing at a land-based facility, you are advised not to toss or to throw your chips. Instead, players are advised to place their chips in the come box and simply to tell the dealer which is the number on which they prefer to make their Place bet.

Craps Betting Strategy

Another important thing you should also remember about the Place bet is that as long as you have made a winning bet, you should be ready to tell the dealer what your next move will be. You should remember that players are paid off following a strict sequence, which is why you should be patient.

What is more, in some cases, if you have made a winning Place bet and you remain silent after this, the dealer may assume that you prefer to place the same bet once again. That is why it is always a good idea to tell the dealer what you are intent on doing whether you prefer to increase, to decrease, or to remove your Place bet.

Place Bet Strategy

Let's assume that you are intent on making a $6 Place bet on 8 and 6. If we presume that the table is cold, you are advised to leave your Place bet on until the first hit occurs. When this happens, craps lovers are advised either to remove their Place bet from the table or to turn it off for yet another roll. If, for example, the numbers that have shown after you have staked $6 on the 8 and the 6 are four, nine, and six, this is the moment when you should remove or turn off your Place bet.

In the event that the table is choppy, gambling enthusiasts are advised to leave their Place bet working throughout the first six rolls or until the first hit occurs. As long as the first hit takes place within the first three rolls, then, you are advised to leave your bet working and to start counting all over again. As long as there are six rolls and you experience only losses, then, it would be better if you take your Place bet down.

In the event that the table is hot, you are advised to leave your Place bet working throughout the entire life of the roll. When the Place bet becomes a winning one, you are advised to press it. In addition to this, you should also make another Place bet when the shooter makes his point. You should continue in the same manner until it turns out that you have made your Place bet on the established place number. Then, you should simply have your Place bet down or move to a number, which is still uncovered.

US Players and Credit Card, BitCoin Deposits Accepted!

The craps payout chart below shows various payout statistics such as what kind of craps bets, true odds, payout odds and the total house edge after everything has been calculated through. Note that these payout odds in the chart listed below are not the same in every casino or on all craps tables. Some casinos may have different odds which perhaps may be better or worse than the odds shown in the payout chart. For more detailed information about each specific bet, please visit our page on how to play craps and browse through the craps bets menu.

This craps payout chart is also a great tool if you are just starting to learn the craps strategy. That way you can see all of the odds displayed in one table and you'll be able to decide which bets are better than others. You can see why the free odds bet is such a great one and why some of the proposition bets are terrible. My advice is to study this information or at least glance at it to find good strategies.

Normal Craps Bets and Payout Odds

Craps BetTrue OddsPayout OddsHouse Edge
Pass Line251 to 2441 to 11.41%
Come251 to 2441 to 11.41%
Don't Pass1031 to 9491 to 11.36%
Don't Come (Bar 12)1031 to 9491 to 11.36%
Pass / Come
Free Odds
2 to 1 on 4 or 10
3 to 2 on 5 or 9
6 to 5 on 6 or 8
2 to 1 on 4 or 10
3 to 2 on 5 or 9
6 to 5 on 6 or 8
Don't Pass / Don't Come
Free Odds
1 to 2 on 4 or 10
2 to 3 on 5 or 9
5 to 6 on 6 or 8
1 to 2 on 4 or 10
2 to 3 on 5 or 9
5 to 6 on 6 or 8
7 Out5 to 14 to 116.67%
Yo 1117 to 115 to 111.11%
317 to 115 to 111.11%
2 Snake Eyes35 to 130 to 113.89%
12 Box Cars35 to 130 to 113.89%
Hi-Lo17 to 115 to 111.11%
Craps8 to 17 to 111.11%
C and E5 to 13 to 1 with craps
7 to 1 with 11
Field5 to 41 to 1 with 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11
2 to 1 on 2 or 12
Field (alternate)5 to 41 to 1 with 3, 4, 9, 10 or 11
2 to 1 on 2
3 to 1 on 12
Horn5 to 127 to 4 with 2 or 12
3 to 1 with 3 or 11
Whirl / World2 to 126 to 5 with 2 or 12
11 to 5 with 3 or 11
0 to 1 on 7 (push)
Hard Way 4 or 108 to 17 to 111.11%
Hard Way 6 or 810 to 19 to 19.09%
Big 6 or 86 to 51 to 19.09%
Place 4 or 102 to 19 to 56.67%
Place 5 or 93 to 27 to 54.00%
Place 6 or 86 to 57 to 61.52%
Buy 4 or 102 to 12 to 1
plus commission (5%)
Buy 5 or 93 to 23 to 2
plus commission (5%)
Buy 6 or 86 to 56 to 5
plus commission (5%)
Lay 4 or 101 to 21 to 2
plus commission (5%)
Lay 5 or 92 to 32 to 3
plus commission (5%)
Lay 6 or 85 to 65 to 6
plus commission (5%)

As you can see from the payout table, there are many bets that sound exotic and arcane but they really aren't that good, even though they may sound like the 'secret' bets that no one knows about. Really the only good ones are the pass line or don't pass in conjunction with the free odds bets. There are a few other decent ones as well. The trick to know is that when the house edge is a very low percentage, then the bet is a good one.

Also remember the fact that the number 7 is rolled more often than any other number. The 2 and 12 (snake eyes and box cars) are rolled the least and have low probabilities of coming out. You can read about this in our odds and probabilities page if you would like to understand the concept behind this. For additional odds information, please view our craps probability odds page for information about true odds of rolling the dice and also visit our Vegas free odds page for information about odds payouts and house edge.

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